Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

He's Baaacckkk!

Well, well, well, I found that my aversion to hot weather has not improved.   I have not been interested in sitting in front of the computer the past few days, because of the heat, mostly.  And, it hasn't even broke the triple digit mark, yet.

I hope to get a few things that have been overcrowding the limited space in my head out and shared over this holiday weekend.   I  also really have to catch up on one least favorite things to do... housework.  It has pretty much been non-existent lately, due to the heat, and my having spent 3 days out of town.  (The truth is.... and this is in the strictest confidence - the house work would probably be at about the same level  had the temperature been 20 degrees cooler, and I had stayed in town.   But, what the heck, if you got a good excuse laying around, I figure why not use it.)

Well, it is time to grab the old pick and shovel and head off to the mine for another day's labor.  Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, its off to work I go.....  


Sunday, June 27, 2010

I 've been out of town for a few days!

I  just spent a few days in Missoula, Montana - as usual, I found that I don't travel well any more.

I did, however have a good time visiting with a number of old friends.  We spent hours discussing and reminiscing on a wide range of topics from the sublime to - well darn right raunchy! 

I learned a rather ribald visual bit of humor, involving a particular coin and the Queen.  One of my Canadian friends suggested that if we Americans continued to show such disrespect to the  queen, a duel may be in order.  (His wife then provided me with half a dozen of the coins.)  Gerald pointed out that, although the Queen came to her political status though heredity, she was preferable to many of the politicians we Americans elect into office.  A point I was forced to concede!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Missoula bound

After 3 months of saying I wouldn't be going to Missoula for 3 days this week, I am capitulating.  and going.   Dave Martinez called from Bozeman and convinced me to go over.

So off I go, to spend a few hot, stuffy days in a hot, stuffy hotel with hot, stuffy men.   Where is my better judgment when I need it.

They have a Hooters in Missoula, and I have never been to one and considered it, but decided I would be spending enough time with big boobs during the day, I would rather dine in a different atmosphere.   Click for drumroll!

So, my puddy tat will have to spend the next few days without anyone constantly replenishing his treat tray with kitty kibbles.  My daughter will swing by a couple times to make sure the little porker doesn't waste completely away.  I think the cat has me better trained than I have him....
