Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Changing Times

First of all, thanks to those who visited and left (mostly kind) comments, and suggestions.   In light of some of the constructive criticisms I have changed the logo and title of my blog, apparently my first choices were too obscure in origin - and apparently intimidated some. 

I am still trying to decide whether or not I am going to tackle some controversial subjects here, or try and just muse on lighter subjects.   I'm leaning on doing both, hoping that everyone will find something of interest.   I am also thinking of posing questions about life's mysteries, in the hope that someone out there has the answers.  (One at the top of my list is why a local bank has a drive up ATM machine, with a Braille keypad.)  

I hope you will choose to follow my blog, at least semi-regularly,  you will leave me some feed back, so I know when I am on the right track and when I have drifted into the murkier areas of my reality.

Speaking of murky areas.  Is anyone else sick and tired of the 24 hour priority coverage of the BP oil spill?   I know it is a tragedy, and I do feel for those whose lives are being ruined by it.   But come on, after a month of goofing around this is getting old.   I also, by the way think that there is plenty of blame to go around on this one.   The federal government's lack of oversight is almost as appalling as the spill.   I understand that the Canadian government required that safety relief wells be drilled at the same time deep-water wells are being drilled, but the US agreed with the oil companies that simultaneous drilling of relief wells was too costly and not necessary.   As a professional armchair quarterback, I have to ask - "You guys didn't see this coming?"   And, the people (at least many of them) and the governments of those gulf states are demanding that offshore drilling not be stopped.... they need the money.  These guys need to start playing the lottery!  (By the way, I didn't win a damned thing in yesterday's!  And I need the money, too.)

I guess I have decided to start talking about controversial subjects.   I just did.
