Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shopping for food and playing the Lottary

I went to the store today and picked of a few groceries. (Isn't it frightening how much a "few groceries cost? )  I could have put most of the items off until later in the week, but a chance to waste a Saturday morning was just too inviting.

Speaking of being too inviting;  They now have a vending machine for lotto tickets (National "live" type games, and scratch games) in the store, right on the way out.   It is sort of like those arcade games at the carnival; you know the cork shooting pop guns, the out of balance soft balls you throw at milk bottles, and the like.   You know you are going to loose your dollar, but what the heck, it is only a buck, so you part with your money at take a shot at it.  

Now, if you are spending the rent or grocery money, or your kids will go without - you might think twice (but probably not).   So it is exploiting the innate weaknesses of us mere mortals.   And one of the most basic of human foibles is greed.    I am sure that they have spent millions doing studies to determine that he average schmuck on the street is more likely to part with his hard earned dollar for the chance to win $20 million than for say $200 thousand.  I am pretty sure that while winning 200 million would be wonderful, winning 200K would certainly make my day. 

But even realizing all that, and the statistical long shot at even winning a few dollars, I did it...  I put my money in the machine and bought some tickets.   I am such a bad person!

Well, rest assured, IF I am a multi-millionaire tomorrow, I'm not going to tell you!   You greedy guys will all want a cut!  

On the other hand, I don't feel confident enough that I am going to be surfing the net, looking for Rolex watches and investment properties for the time being.    (Actually, I am going to do the vacuuming I have been putting off!)
