Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cat, Car and a Crabby Old Man

Ok, first of all I want to assure everyone that all is well between me and the cat I share my home with.   You need not worry that his hide is nailed up to the side of my shed.  In fact, he spent a good part of this afternoon on my lap, getting his ears scratched and his belly rubbed.  (He actually likes having his belly rubbed...  but touch his feet and you have crossed the line.)

This morning was one of those days when it was barely worth the effort to chew through the straps and get out of bed.   Right off the bat my car died.   It seemed to have power, but growled like my ex-wife when I tried to get it started.    I had my brother come over and we tired jumping it, to no avail.  I finally had to have the ambulance come and haul it off to the witch doctor.

After a couple of hours of dancing around the car, shaking rattles and chanting incantations designed as much to bring him money as to heal my car.  He appears to have been successful on both counts.   The car is back purring along (as is the cat), and he is considerably richer.

All told, it wasn't as bad as I had expected; (as I told my brother, it won't be cheap because they won't even look under the hood for less than $300.00.) 

On a somewhat brighter note; my youngest daughter, who graduated from college last month, has found a job, and will now be able to start paying off school loans.   She has to go out of town for a week of training the end of the month... but at least both kids are going to have jobs now.... It is looking much better for my plans to retire and have them support me. 

Well, Jachin (the cat) is again ready for some of his favorite treats, so I best go tend to that before he attacks my desk and starts walking across the keyboard.
