Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tweaking the Blog page, and ramblings

Well, if you are here reading this, and have been here before, you will have noticed some changes to the blog page design.   The logo photo at the top is a picture I took myself while fishing with My daughter, Kyla and granddaughter, Zoe.   (It is actually the reflection in the lake, cropped  and turned upside down, if you were wondering.)  
I hadn't been fishing in a number of years, but Zoe really wanted to go fishing this year.   So,partly to satisfy her, and partly to get myself out and moving a little more, I decided to participate in what so far has amounted to little more than excursions to the lake, and drowning a few worms.  But over all, I think it has been good for all three of us - though not necessarily for the worms.  And the fish, well if the past couple trips are any indication, they have nothing to worry about!    But, I am confident we are going to be successful soon, even if it ends up being a few small Striped Perch, rather than a nice Brown Trout, or Walleye.   Either way, I am getting more sun, fresh air and exercise than I have for a while, so that is probably a good thing.
Anyway, back to the page changes,  I have been experimenting with colors, placement, design and content.   I am still not sure I am close to having what I what, but it is getting closer.

Oh, I do welcome your comments, and look forward to reading them.  I do have this blog set to not publish any comments until I have reviewed them.  So far I have published all that have been left, an hope that will continue.  However, the internet being what it is I felt it best that I get to see what comment content is left before allowing it to be placed into public view.    So if you don't see the comment you left right away, please be patient.   Since you are above average in intelligence, wit and good looks, as demonstrated by you having chosen to read and follow this blog; I am sure your comments will be put out for everyone to see.  (*Unless you request otherwise.)
