Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Its the longest day of the year!

It is sort of the longest day of the year and the first day of summer...

Well it is the first day of summer by the official reckoning, and it is what is traditionally the longest day of the year, the day when there is more hours of daylight than dark - if you happen by some chance to live on the equator. 

Now, if you live in the U.S. or Canada (except Arizona) the longest day of the year was, by law March 14th this year.   That was the day that Congress exercised its awesome power and decreed that on that day this year, there would be 25 hours in the day (accomplished by determining that 2:00 am should occur twice.)

Today is also the day that my youngest child turned 25 years old, (I am sure this was part of a concerted conspiracy to make me feel old!)

For being the first day of summer, the day is nicely temperate in weather conditions.  This is most welcome to me.  However, it also means that the days of excessive heat are near at hand.  Something I dread all year long.   I make no secret of my preference for cooler weather.   I would prefer a climate with highs of not more than 78 nor less than 40.  However, force to make a choice, I would much rather enjoy a day of zero degree weather than one with 100 degree heat.

Well, I haven't anything to rail against today, so I guess I will retire to the Telly, and see if anything in the news gets me going.  Possibly I can check the market price of oil-front property in the gulf coast area. 
