Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Missoula bound

After 3 months of saying I wouldn't be going to Missoula for 3 days this week, I am capitulating.  and going.   Dave Martinez called from Bozeman and convinced me to go over.

So off I go, to spend a few hot, stuffy days in a hot, stuffy hotel with hot, stuffy men.   Where is my better judgment when I need it.

They have a Hooters in Missoula, and I have never been to one and considered it, but decided I would be spending enough time with big boobs during the day, I would rather dine in a different atmosphere.   Click for drumroll!

So, my puddy tat will have to spend the next few days without anyone constantly replenishing his treat tray with kitty kibbles.  My daughter will swing by a couple times to make sure the little porker doesn't waste completely away.  I think the cat has me better trained than I have him....


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