Welcome to my Blake's Blog!

"Dedicated to rescuing fair dragons and slaying foul maidens!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

He's Baaacckkk!

Well, well, well, I found that my aversion to hot weather has not improved.   I have not been interested in sitting in front of the computer the past few days, because of the heat, mostly.  And, it hasn't even broke the triple digit mark, yet.

I hope to get a few things that have been overcrowding the limited space in my head out and shared over this holiday weekend.   I  also really have to catch up on one least favorite things to do... housework.  It has pretty much been non-existent lately, due to the heat, and my having spent 3 days out of town.  (The truth is.... and this is in the strictest confidence - the house work would probably be at about the same level  had the temperature been 20 degrees cooler, and I had stayed in town.   But, what the heck, if you got a good excuse laying around, I figure why not use it.)

Well, it is time to grab the old pick and shovel and head off to the mine for another day's labor.  Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, its off to work I go.....  


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